Integrated technique for NOAA Satellite IR data processing system applied to earthquake monitoring 热红外极轨卫星地震监测系统综合技术研究
Study on Computer Integrated Data Processing System 计算机集成数据处理系统研究
This paper describes the low cost IMU/ GPS integrated system, including the hardware components ( data acquisition system), the navigation software and the integration software. Static test and data processing show that the system can achieve less than 0.2 ° in pitching and rolling. 本文采用低成本惯性测量组件(IMU)设计了低成本IMU/GPS组合系统的硬件和相应的软件,进行了静态实验和数据处理,系统的俯仰角和横滚角误差均小于0.2°。
Development and application of opening computer integrated data processing system 开放式计算机集成数据处理系统研制及应用
Study on improving integrated navigation data processing of double inertial navigation system 双惯导改善导航性能的组合数据研究
The distributed system structure and integrated multi-layer data processing in software account for success of the system with satisfying performances in real operation. 得益于这种分布式系统结构以及分层数据处理方式,系统在实际运行中表现出了良好的性能。
Based on Windows developing platform, the article designs a visual and highly integrated gravity and magnetic data processing system using object oriented language Visual C++. 作者在文中采用Windows开发平台的面向对象程序设计语言Visualc++,设计开发了可视化和高度集成化的重磁数据处理系统。
Using this system we can share different GPR system data resources, the integrated management of GPR data, information processing techniques and visualizing of ultimate results based on Microsoft Windows operation system. 可以进行不同雷达系统资源的共享,雷达数据的集成管理,多方法的信息处理技术以及基于Windows界面的成果可视化。
Finally, these results have been applied to the integrated strong motion seismograph and a real-time EEW data processing system has been developed which can be directly used for "On-site" EEW. 最后将这些统计结果应用到了一体化强震仪中,研发出了一套实时地震预警数据处理系统,可以直接用于现地地震预警。